

E. J. 农业科学实验室,10室

圆周大道875号,ms2332 莫斯科,号码83844-2332



电子邮件: calspubs@fcisaltproducts.com




如果你在学校里发现了臭虫,你会怎么做? 这份针对教育工作者和家庭的情况说明书涵盖了预防, identification and best practices for treating an infestation. 作者:Dawn H. 挖,...


白腐病是大蒜和洋葱的一种严重病害. This three-page Green Thumb publication will help you to identify the disease and prepare a defense against its growth in your garden,...


任何园丁在看到黑暗时都会气馁, leathery patch develop on the bottom end of their vine-ripened tomatoes. The blemish indicates blossom-end rot, a calcium-deficiency disorder...


Centrocoris volxemi is an introduced non-native true bug (insects with piercing-sucking mouthparts) that has been expanding its known range in the United States since 2020 and Idaho the year after.


Cereal grass aphid is a newly invasive aphid pest in North America. 它寄生在小麦等栽培作物上, 大麦和燕麦, sucking their juices and using them as host sites for reproduction,...

爱达荷州的托皮洛斯(los Topillos)

Los topillos pueden controlarse sin los productos químicos o con los productos químicos llamados "rodenticidas." 他们的战略是为了减少产品的损失 que incluyen eliminando el hábitat del...


Esta publicación describe los síntomas y las estrategias de control para los gusanos de los insectos picudos (las larvas) en los céspedes de Idaho. 他们的战略是为了减少产品的损失...


爱达荷州种植者最常见的问题之一, landscapers and home gardeners is plant iron deficiency or chlorosis. 叶子变黄,而叶脉保持绿色. 本出版物描述了...


Aprenda和reconocer, as avispas chaquetas amarillas bravas, Los avispones carblancos, y las avispas papeleras de Idaho y a controlarlas con o sin los productos químicos. Autores: Stuart C.

Help Protect the Famous Idaho Potato: Diagnose and Control Late Blight in Your 首页 Garden

马铃薯和番茄易患晚疫病, a disease caused by a fungal-like pathogen that caused the Irish Potato Famine of 1845–52. 这种疾病今天仍然与我们同在,而且还在继续...

Identification and Habits of Key Ant 害虫 in the Pacific Northwest

本出版物描述了 the 12 most common ants characterized as structural pests in Washington, 爱达荷州和俄勒冈州. Drawings and descriptions follow an introduction to ants and their general...


蚂蚁在景观环境中往往是有益的. They aerate the soil, distribute seeds and play an important role in recycling organic matter. 但是同一种蚂蚁却获得了害虫的地位...


Ants invading school buildings is a commonly reported pest problem in the Pacific Northwest. Many ant species are remarkably capable of finding food and moisture and highly efficient at harvesting...


而学校通常对臭虫不友好, 在学校环境中遇到臭虫并不罕见. Bed bugs sometimes stow away on articles being returned to school or drop off a...


Insect and disease pests are prevalent in both residential and commercial food production settings, meaning that a large number of Idahoans contend with them each year. 一种综合害虫的一部分...


Insect and disease pests are prevalent in both residential and commercial food production settings, meaning that a large number of Idahoans contend with them each year. 一种综合害虫的一部分...


Insect and disease pests are prevalent in both residential and commercial food production settings, meaning that a large number of Idahoans contend with them each year. 一种综合害虫的一部分...


Insect and disease pests are prevalent in both residential and commercial food production settings, meaning that a large number of Idahoans contend with them each year. 一种综合害虫的一部分...


Insect and disease pests are prevalent in both residential and commercial food production settings, meaning that a large number of Idahoans contend with them each year. 一种综合害虫的一部分...


Insect and disease pests are prevalent in both residential and commercial food production settings, meaning that a large number of Idahoans contend with them each year. 一种综合害虫的一部分...


Insect and disease pests are prevalent in both residential and commercial food production settings, meaning that a large number of Idahoans contend with them each year. 一种综合害虫的一部分...

La Enfermedad " Slime Flux " de los Árboles

的粘液通量,o madera húmeda bacteriana, comúnmente afecta a los siguientes árboles de Idaho-Álamo de Norteamérica (cottonwood), 酱汁, olmo, y阿拉莫. Aprenda los síntomas de 'slime flux ' los...

大覆盆子蚜虫(Amphorophora agathonica)

大覆盆子蚜虫, Amphorophora agathonica , is an important pest in red and black raspberries in the Pacific Northwest. It transmits plant viruses that cause decreased cane vigor and fruit...


Our homes and gardens often overlap with spaces and resources used by wild animals, 本地的和非本地的. A "shared habitat" situation can pose some challenges when the animals' day-to-day...


给出六种方法来帮助你保持花园植物的健康, from disposing of plant residue at season's end to the occasional use of pesticides. 作者:W. 迈克尔·柯尔特,S. Krishna Mohan, Saad L.


Learn how to set up a bucket trap for monitoring flying insects. 这种方法使农民, gardeners or other pest managers to learn more about insects entering their crops. 该方法的工作原理如下:...

Mothballs: Proper Use and Alternative Controls for Clothes Moths

Learn the right ways to use mothballs — chemical fumgiants — to protect your clothes and your health. 作者:大卫·斯通,蒂姆·斯托克3页


This publication addresses the common misconceptions associated with products labeled "natural" and "organic," and describes related insecticides intended for home gardening. 类别包括...


Flea beetles are common garden pests found throughout the Pacific Northwest. Flea beetle feeding on plants in the Brassicaceae and Solanaceae families can scar foliage and potato tubers, 导致...

Pesticide Redistribution and Its Implications on Pesticide Efficacy

农药 that penetrate plant tissues or otherwise move to different parts of the plant may be more effective for some applications than pesticides that do not redistribute. 因式分解这个性质...


A pesticide label is a legal document whose content protects users, consumers and the environment. This useful seven-page bulletin shows you how to read and understand this carefully crafted...


红色的火虫, 飞蛾(异翅目:飞蛾科), is an introduced and invasive true bug with a vividly colored red and black body. 自引进和建立以来,...


如果不及早发现, slime flux (bacterial wetwood) create unsightly stains on and disagreeable odors around a number of Idaho trees, 通常杨木, 柳树和榆树. 更糟糕的是,它还能杀人...


Soil arthropods play a significant role in the soil ecosystem. But producers tend to be more familiar with that of other soil creatures, 比如蚯蚓和微生物. 为了解决知识差距,...


Dakota Russet is a multipurpose and popular potato cultivar whose Pacific Northwest acreage has expanded in recent years. 随着产量的增加,储存量也会增加. 的结果...


E. J. 农业科学实验室,10室

圆周大道875号,ms2332 莫斯科,号码83844-2332



电子邮件: calspubs@fcisaltproducts.com
