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E. J. Iddings Agricultural Science Laboratory, Room 10

875 Perimeter Drive MS 2332 莫斯科,号码83844-2332







Particularly troublesome where rainfall and relative humidity are high, and under overtree irrigation, apple scab can defoliate trees and blemish fruit to a point where it is unmarketable. 学习...

Cherry Training Systems: Selection and Development

This publication describes the seven major pruning systems used in commercial cherry tree orchards in Oregon, 爱达荷州, 华盛顿和密歇根. Download the cherry training systems app (designed for...

Cuatro Pasos Sencillos para la Poda de Cerezos Sobre Gisela y Otros Portainjertos Productivos

A Spanish translation of PNW 592, Four Simple Steps to Pruning Trees on Gisela and Other Productive Rootstocks. 作者:Lynn E. 长2页

Four Simple Steps to Pruning Cherry Trees on Gisela and Other Productive Rootstocks

Provides color photo illustrations and step-by-step instructions for pruning trees on productive rootstocks, techniques that are are completely counter to pruning trees on Mazzard rootstock.

Growing Apples for Local Markets in Cold Climates

Offers the basics for getting started in a small scale commercial apple orchard, including sections on rootstocks, 苹果品种, 培训和修剪, 冬天保护, 生育和...

Hard Cider Production and Orchard Management in the Pacific Northwest

$11 Making hard cider for both commercial and private enjoyment is the target of renewed interest in areas that are well suited to growing apples. This manual provides basic information on the many...


This publication is an overview of commercial apple production including production regions, 生产实践, 害虫管理, 杂草和疾病. Information includes a description of the...

Phytophthora Bleeding Canker of Maple Trees

Bleeding canker has recently been observed on mature maple trees in southern 爱达荷州. The causal agent is Phytophthora cactorum, a plant pathogen capable of infecting over 200 tree species. 鉴于其...

Propagation of Plants by Grafting and Budding

This handbook is well illustrated with clear photographs and drawings. It covers terms used in 初露头角的 and grafting, 工具材料, grafting and 初露头角的 factors, 移植物种类, 初露头角的...

Seis pasos para calibrar y optimizar los rociadores de aire para huertos y viá±edos

En seis pasos, 佩带一把口径, optimizer y verificar la cobertura de un pulverizador de chorro de aire para asegurarse de que recibe cada gota en el cultivo. Autores: Gwen-Alyn Hoheisel, Lav R.

Sistemas de Conducción de Cerezos (Cherry Training Systems)

Esta publicación describe los ocho sistemas de poda de mayor importancia en los huertos de cerezos comerciales en Oregon, 爱达荷州, 华盛顿-密歇根. A nivel mundial, los productores de cerezas...

Six Steps to Calibrate and Optimize Airblast Sprayers for Orchards and Vineyards

六个步骤, 学习如何校准, optimize and verify coverage for an airblast sprayer to ensure that you are getting every drop to the crop. Authors: Gwen-Alyn Hoheisel, Lav R. Khot, Michelle M.

Sweet Cherry Cultivars for the Fresh Market

Full-color photographs accompany descriptions of 12 dark red sweet cherry cultivars suitable for fresh markets in the Pacific Northwest. Tabular data succinctly charts bloom and harvest dates...

Sweet Cherry Orchard Establishment in the Pacific Northwest: Important Considerations for Success

Regularly producing sustainable yields of high-quality cherries is possible only when site and other conditions are near optimal. This publication summarizes factors to consider when establishing a...

Sweet Cherry Rootstocks for the Pacific Northwest

Cherry growers have many options when it comes to choosing rootstocks. The combination of new dwarfing rootstocks with high-density training systems leads to earlier production. 但种植者需要...

Verticillium Wilt of Trees in 爱达荷州

Verticillium wilt is a devastating soilborne disease to over three hundred plants worldwide, 包括树木, 灌木, 水果和蔬菜. 给n the fungi’s wide range, whose infection in trees...


E. J. Iddings Agricultural Science Laboratory, Room 10

875 Perimeter Drive MS 2332 莫斯科,号码83844-2332



