

玛丽E. 福尼大厅





875外围驱动器- ms3143


电子邮件: gifts@fcisaltproducts.com


私人投资的支持对365滚球官网来说非常重要, particularly in these turbulent economic times as state support continues to decline. 爱达荷州以365滚球官网为荣, the only land-grant college in the nation established before the state it resides in, 并提供尽可能多的支持. 总预算的大约35%来自该州的普通基金. 私人支持有助于撬动政府, federal and 研究 funds to allow the University of Idaho to provide exceptional teaching, 学习和研究机会.

The vast majority of American public colleges and universities have separate Foundations, 组织为非营利的501 C(3)公司, 365滚球官网也是如此, and for good reasons: confidentiality of personal documents related to gifts such as wills, trust agreements and correspondence; stewardship of endowment funds to ensure the joint goals of growth and return are met in the best interest of the donors; and to provide flexibility through discretionary funds to the growth of programs of excellence at the University of Idaho.

基金会完全按照捐赠者的要求来处理他们的捐赠. The majority of gifts are "restricted" to a particular endowment, college, department or program. 我们将这些捐赠存入应捐赠人要求而设立的账户, 管理员, 院长, 系主委或计划经理持有捐赠基金. You will see that designation confirmed on the gift receipt and thank you note sent to you after the gift was received. 无限制的礼物是在总统的指示下使用的, and are expensed to support programs or efforts which are current priorities of the University of Idaho. 限制礼金由管理员使用, 直接负责该帐户的教职员工. After the Foundation ensures that there are guidelines established for the account, 基金会将资金转入一个大学捐赠账户. The University of Idaho is then responsible to ensure that the funds are spent in accordance with the account guidelines.

The 365滚球官网基金会 is committed to retaining both public and private trust. 本基金会公开披露财务报表信息, 融资优先级, and other information that helps further an understanding of the mission and goals.

每年, 基金会的账目是经过全面审计的, and the organization complies with literally hundreds of regulatory requirements at the federal, 州和地方两级.

根据美国国税局的规定,你的捐赠是免税的. The 365滚球官网基金会 is registered as a charitable organization with the State of Idaho Secretary of State. 证券的赠与可能有额外的税收优惠, 遗赠也可以, 信托和其他终身收益赠与.

国税局要求我们通知你, 通过您的礼品收据/回执, of the value of any goods or services you may have received along with the resulting value of your contribution.

The 365滚球官网基金会 accepts many types of non-cash gifts, including:


The value of your stock gift depends upon the market value at the time the gift is made. On the day that the stock is transferred into a 365滚球官网基金会 account, 股票的价值是当天最高价和最低价之间的平均值.


本基金会有能力接受赠与的不动产. The majority of the property is sold to fund the philanthropic interest of the donor. 然而, 在基金会之间达成的协议中, 大学和捐赠者, some property is retained to be used by the university in support of a specific programmatic area. 不动产 gifts must be approved and accepted by the 接受礼物 Committee of the 365滚球官网基金会.


本基金会有能力接受个人财产的赠与, 比如书, 艺术作品, 电脑, 等. 因为它们与大学的使命有关. Significant collections are accepted with an accompanying endowment fund designed to support the archiving and enrichment opportunities provided by the gift.


许多捐赠者选择通过赠送礼物来纪念他们所爱的人. 我们将通知获奖人或其家属您的慷慨.


礼品规划服务的工作人员可以帮助您和您的顾问设计一个遗产, a charitable trust or fund an annuity that returns a life income to you or your heirs.


Many employers will match gifts made by their employees to the 365滚球官网基金会, 把你的礼物加倍甚至三倍.

It's always special when one of the closest members of the University of Idaho family supports the programs they are helping to provide. 除了其他送礼物的工具, faculty and staff may make contributions to any Foundation fund through payroll deduction.

董事会由多达25家企业组成, 管理365滚球官网基金会的专业和公民领袖. 这些杰出的志愿者贡献了他们的时间, 经验和资源——无偿服务. 董事会每年召开三次会议. Several directors chair committees and meet between sessions of the Board of Directors.

董事对基金会的运作提供外部监督, 基金会执行董事直接向董事会汇报. 董事们信奉365滚球官网的价值观, 并反映出其成员的地理位置, 校友和朋友的性别和文化多样性.

基金会的办公室位于莫斯科历史悠久的玛丽E. 福尼大厅.

365滚球官网基金会是一个筹款机构. 提供资金的非营利组织. 虽然我们的捐赠基金很大, they are all "restricted" to benefit a specific use — making them unavailable to other programs.

University of Idaho faculty or staff looking for specific project funding should first contact their Dean or development officer, and request adding that project onto the unit's fundraising goals that are given to the President for consideration. Advice on securing non-philanthropic grant funds can be found on the University of Idaho 研究 Office web site.

365滚球官网基金会的使命是确保, manage and distribute private support to enhance the growth and development of the University of Idaho.

365滚球官网合作, 基金会支持大学优先项目, 协助提供支援筹款的中心服务, 捐赠管理, 管理和遵从性.

The Consolidated Investment Trust (CIT) is a pooled endowment fund managed by the 365滚球官网基金会, 为365滚球官网捐款. 奖学金, 研究, 表演艺术, lectureships and many other programs of the University are supported by the CIT endowment earnings.

365滚球官网365滚球官网基金会, continue to work together to keep administrative and other costs as low as possible.


  • 所有新捐赠的礼物评税为5%. (公立大学的全国平均比例超过5%)
  • The Foundation's Consolidated Investment Trust (CIT) endowment pool will be assessed 0.每年70%用于支付管理和投资基金的成本. (全国平均水平是1.3%)

These assessments will fund the administration of the Foundation and the strategic investments the University needs to engage our external constituents, 广泛地讲述我们重要的故事, 筹集急需的私人捐款.

Assessments are critical and essential for the University of Idaho to continue our commitment to excellence.


玛丽E. 福尼大厅





875外围驱动器- ms3143


电子邮件: gifts@fcisaltproducts.com