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365滚球官网,废物管理和减少废物是重中之重. As a sustainable institution, 我们通过减少产生的废物量和妥善处理废物,努力减少我们的碳足迹和对自然环境的影响. 浏览下面的废物处理计划,了解如何为负责任的废物管理做出贡献.

  • Recommendation 3.5:重建莫斯科校园回收计划,并聘请专门的回收人员.
  • Recommendation 3.6 .研究并实施减少和再利用食物浪费的技术和系统, such as donating non-spoiled food, 开始一个堆肥项目,安装消化器.
  • Recommendation 3.7:建立采购标准,以减少或消除校园餐饮服务中的一次性塑料, vending and research labs; this would include providing reusable to-go containers at dining locations, 用可堆肥或可重复使用的产品取代一次性吸管和餐具,并在每栋楼增加水瓶加气站.

Read the entire Sustainable Solutions White Paper.

365滚球官网在校园范围内使用单流回收系统. For more information on campus recycling, visit 汪达尔人回收, our new recycling dashboard!

Contact Information

What is composting?

堆肥是个人以对环境负责的方式处理有机废物的好方法. 堆肥是转化有机材料的过程, 比如食物垃圾, 通过自然分解进入营养丰富的土壤或地膜. 这个过程的最终产物被称为堆肥,通常是黑色的, 易碎的, earthy material that can be used in agriculture, gardening and other outdoor projects.

Why should we compost?

在家里堆肥可以减少我们送到垃圾填埋场的垃圾数量,并有助于建立健康的土壤. As nature’s own recycling process, 堆肥有助于应对气候变化,并有助于为社区建立更具弹性和有益的废物流. 当我们堆肥时, 我们减少了送往垃圾填埋场的垃圾,这些垃圾最终会向大气中排放温室气体. 我们还通过生产高质量的土壤改良剂来节省资金,我们可以用它来代替化肥和杀虫剂,同时还可以改善花园和院子里的植物生长.

There are different ways you can compost at home, whether it be through a back-yard composting pile, 蚯蚓堆肥系统或通过在社区堆肥站点丢弃可堆肥材料. 堆肥 takes minimal effort; with the proper balance of conditions and materials, nature takes care of the rest.

Where can we compost?


  • Palouse Clearwater Environmental Institute (PCEI)
    • 可接受的材料:厨余垃圾(水果和蔬菜废料), 茶包, 咖啡过滤器, 蛋壳, 餐巾纸), 动物皮毛, shredded newspaper
    • Unaccepted materials: compostable plastics, 肉类产品, 乳制品, separated cooking oil, 庭院废弃物, trash and recyclables
    • Learn more about PCEI.
  • Hamilton Community Garden
    • 可接受的材料:厨余垃圾(水果和蔬菜废料), 茶包, 咖啡过滤器, 蛋壳, 餐巾纸), 动物皮毛, shredded newspaper, 有机花园废物(未经除害剂处理的观赏花卉及蔬菜)
    • Unaccepted materials: compostable plastics, 剪草, 木, tree and shrub trimmings, 外来入侵植物, 污垢, 肉类产品, 乳制品, separated cooking oil, trash and recyclables
    • Learn more about the Hamilton Community Garden.
  • Inland North 浪费 (Moscow 回收 Center)
    • Accepted materials: leaves, branches (up to 4 ft. 长或6英寸. 直径),剪草,杂草,花园废物,灌木/灌木修剪物,圣诞树,树皮
    • Unaccepted materials: stumps, 污垢, 草皮, 岩石, 食物浪费, 宠物的粪便, 肥料, lumber and construction debris
    • 在莫斯科回收中心了解更多关于堆肥院子垃圾的信息.

Facilities manages the solid waste program for U of I. 访问 the 固体废物 page to read the solid waste guidelines and charges.

大学盈余管理拍卖和出售不再使用的大学财产. Instead of throwing away older items, 员工必须把它们拿到盈余,然后再卖出去, 捐赠, 回收, or disposed of properly. 作为一所大学,拥有一个盈余系统是一个很好的方法,可以减少我们产生的垃圾,并为我们的社区提供高质量的二手物品. The Surplus store is open from 9 a.m. 到3点.m. 星期五. For more information, visit the Surplus website.

Why Is This Important?

废物可能是最难解决的环境挑战之一. 在开采自然资源的过程中,我们最终扔掉的物质产品对环境和人类健康造成了影响, the production of the goods, their transportation and ultimately, 他们的处理.

当我们把垃圾扔进垃圾桶时,大多数人都不知道它会发生什么. 它去了哪里?? What does it turn into? 看不到我们的垃圾发生了什么,导致了“看不见”, out of mind” approach to waste generation and disposal. 因此, 我们可以随心所欲地制造垃圾,而不考虑由此产生的环境影响.

现实情况是,垃圾对环境有重大影响. 不负责任的废物处理会对空气、水和土壤造成污染. 化学和危险废物会使我们和其他生命暴露在危险的毒素中, affecting the health of entire communities. 浪费 also creates greenhouse gases that accelerate atmospheric warming; municipal solid waste landfills are the 3rd largest source of human-related methane emissions in the U.S. 阅读更多关于美国废物对环境的影响.S. Environmental Protection Agency.

Ways You Can Help

Learn more about how waste affects the environment. In the 资源 tab, 你会发现很多网站和报告都在讨论垃圾造成了多少污染以及如何将污染降到最低. Then, learn how to dispose of your waste properly. Knowing how to differentiate between recyclable, compostable and landfill materials is not easy, and it is often regionally-specific. In the 资源 tab below, 你会看到网站解释什么可以回收, composted and trashed in the city of Moscow. 最后,行动. 你是否在妥善处理废物方面尽了自己的一份力量,并鼓励你的破坏者同伴也这样做.

via Office of the President

Physical Address:
Moscow, ID 83844-3151

Phone: 208-310-5985


U of I Sustainability