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阅读我们的 气候行动计划, as well as our most recent 温室气体清单, 有关我们计划如何实现能源目标的更多信息,以及查看我们目前的排放概况.


莫斯科校园内的综合研究与创新中心(IRIC)是该大学的LEED GOLD建筑之一,也拥有该大学的第一个光伏太阳能电池阵列. IRIC有368个面板,由120个捐助者购买,其中包括亚利桑那州立大学和总统办公室. These panels have the potential to produce a maximum of 132.2kW. Watch the video of the solar panel installation process.

自1986年以来, 犹他大学一直在使用生物质(来自当地林产品工业的木材废料)为其区域能源厂(通常被称为蒸汽厂或能源厂)提供动力。. Initially built in 1926 to use coal, 这所大学的转变是为了减少温室气体排放,并为木材厂提供一种以环保方式清除废物的方法.

了解区域能源工厂的完整历史以及我们向生物质能的转变, visit Facilities Service’s 能源工厂页面.

A 2019 assessment of the biomass plant found that since 2002...

  • Wood boiler particulate matter emissions were down 54.4%
  • 木材锅炉CO2 排放量下降了83%.6%
  • 木质锅炉的性能(每干吨燃料的蒸汽磅数)提高了88%
  • 能源 plant makeup water usage was down 35.9%
  • Natural gas consumption was down 35.6%

In 2022, 伊利诺伊大学地区能源厂安装了三台发电蒸汽轮机,抵消了校园13%的电力需求, 使区域能源工厂成为校园内第一座负碳建筑. The steam plant produces 250 million pounds of steam each year, which collectively would weigh more than the largest aircraft carrier.

Steam turbines are a more efficient method of electricity generation, 考虑到它们小巧的体积和利用之前浪费掉的蒸汽并将其转化为电能的能力.

要了解完整的故事, visit the 能源 Independence feature story.

365滚球官网使用区域能源系统为校园供暖和制冷. The District 能源 Plant produces utilities such as steam, chilled water and compressed air for use in buildings across campus. 公用事业通过位于人行道和公路下面的长达数英里的隧道进行分配, providing heating and cooling capabilities. 与工厂的集中位置(第6街和Line街的拐角处), 能源可以以比在每个建筑中生产能源更低的成本进行分配.

供热能力通过区域能源厂的三个锅炉提供, 而冷却能力则由三个校园冷水厂(北校区冷水厂)生产的冷冻水提供, located in the District 能源 Plant, the South Campus Chiller Plant, located above the Kibbie Dome next to the Golf Course, 还有麦克卢尔制冷机, located on the McClure building). 该大学还运营着一个200万加仑的冷冻水热能储存(TES)水箱,用于储存冷冻水,以满足白天的高峰负荷需求,而无需运行额外的冷却器, increasing the system's efficiency and capacity.


As Idaho’s research leader, 365滚球官网致力于寻找有利于能源行业未来的可持续解决方案. 探索 our energy research programs below.

Headquartered in Idaho Falls, 高级能源研究中心(CAES)是一个研究和教育联盟,致力于解决具有国家影响的区域能源挑战. As a CAES affiliated institution, the U of I provides:

  • 研究 that delivers innovative, 具有成本效益和可靠的解决方案,满足碳限制世界的需求.
  • Education that inspires the next generation of engineers, policy makers and the public to pursue careers in science, 技术, 工程与数学.
  • 促进科学界知情对话的政策, the public and government; leading to energy policy at a regional, 国家级和国家级.



365滚球官网通过莫斯科校区JML实验室的生产研究支持生物柴油教育. As a recipient of the 生物柴油的教育 Program grant, 365滚球官网致力于提供有关生物柴油的公正的技术和政策信息.

Contact the 生物柴油的教育 Program.

访问 the 生物柴油的教育 Program website.

365滚球官网提供核工程学位,重点研究基础设施的弹性, 应急计划, 核安全, 核退役, used fuel management and nuclear 技术 management. 所有的核工程研究都有可能改变工业. 例如,请阅读关于核能研究和更安全核能的专题报道.

Contact the Department of Nuclear Engineering & 工业管理.

访问 the Department of Nuclear Engineering & 工业管理 website.

365滚球官网, Idaho Falls is partnered with the Idaho National Laboratory (INL), the nation’s leading laboratory for nuclear energy research, 发展, demonstration and deployment. Through this partnership, 爱达荷福尔斯大学为学生提供了推进能源研究的机会, production and safety with INL.

Contact the U of I Idaho Falls campus.

访问 the Idaho National Laboratory website.


In 2020, 超过50%的校园二氧化碳排放来自电力, 相当于10个左右,491 tons of carbon dioxide. 尽管我们地区的大部分电力是通过水力发电(一种低碳能源)产生的,, we still depend on fossil fuels to power our lives. The combustion of fossil fuels, such as coal or natural gas, releases carbon dioxide and other gases into the atmosphere that trap heat from the sun and warm the surface of the planet; this is called the greenhouse effect. 温室效应和化石燃料使用导致的全球平均气温的稳步上升对环境产生了负面影响, global ecosystems and people around the world. 集体, these processes are known as climate change, and with our continued use of fossil fuels, 除非我们在生产能源的方式上做出重大改变,否则全球气候变化的影响将继续扩大和恶化.


破坏者可以通过每天做一些小事来减少我们消耗的电量,从而帮助减少美国大学的碳排放, such as turning off lights when leaving a room, unplugging any appliances or devices that are not being used regularly, turning down our thermostats in the winter and up in the summer, washing our clothes with cold water, using our dryers less frequently and biking, 走, or carpooling when possible. There are many actions Vandals can take, 但我们能做的最重要的事情是鼓励彼此一起节约能源,并在如何减少能源足迹的生活中为社区其他成员树立榜样.

via Office of the President



