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Chemistry Placement Exam

The chemistry placement exam is administered by the Department of Chemistry and is designed to test your knowledge of basic chemistry.

Passing Score to Enroll in Chem 111

Passing this test with a score of 60 percent or better will satisfy the prerequisite for enrollment into CHEM 111. Those not taking this exam or scoring below 60 percent on it will need one of the following prerequisites in order to enroll in CHEM 111:

  • A minimum ACT math score of 25
  • A minimum SAT math score of 580 (560 prior to April 2016)
  • A minimum ALEKS score of 46
  • A minimum COMPASS-College Algebra score of 49
  • or 一个最低 grade of C in CHEM 101 or MATH 143, 160 or 170

Exam Procedures and Requirements

  1. You may take this exam more than one time under the following conditions:
    • 你必须等一等 一个最低 of two months to take this exam again.
    • The exam may be repeated 只有 during the scheduled times.
  2. A minimum of 15 correct answers out of 25 questions are required for a passing score.
  3. You are not allowed to remove the exam or any related materials from the test site.
  4. The exam will be changed each time it is given.
  5. In order to take the exam, you need to bring a photo ID, non-text entry scientific calculator and a #2 pencil.


Topics covered on the exam are:

Next Scheduled Exam:

Wednesday, April 3rd

3:00 PM in REN 127

The placement exam is generally given four times per year.  They are usually given in the first week of the fall semester, the first week of the spring semester and in November and April to prepare for registration.

Chemistry Placement Practice Exam

In order to pass this exam you must answer 15 of the 25 questions correct.
Download the chemistry placement practice exam (PDF) >

  • significant figures
  • the metric system
  • dimensional analysis (unit conversion)
  • 密度
  • nomenclature of simple inorganic compounds and common acids
  • percent mass calculations
  • scientific notation
  • balancing equations
  • molar mass (molecular weight)
  • 鼹鼠
  • 化学计量学
  • 物质的量浓度
  • 稀释
  • 基本的代数
  • 图形

You should have had most of these topics in your high school chemistry course.


Department of Chemistry

Physical Address:
Renfrew Hall 116

Mailing Address:
875 Perimeter Dr, MS 2343
莫斯科, ID 83844-2343

Phone: 208-885-6552

Fax: 208-885-6173


网络: Department of Chemistry