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技术转让办公室促进包括小麦在内的农业技术的许可和分销, 土豆, 油菜, 油菜籽和芥菜品种,以支持爱达荷州和全世界的农业综合企业.

UI铂 | PVP certificate number 201400419

UI铂 is 一种坚硬的白色春小麦 with high grain yield, desirable end-use quality and resistance to stripe rust, 在爱达荷州东南部和太平洋西北部其他地区(爱达荷州)的灌溉和高降雨量地区,可以种植植株高度较短的植物, 华盛顿州和俄勒冈州). 白金期也早且短,在马铃薯-小麦轮作的地区是理想的.


UI铂 is exclusively licensed to Limagrain Cereal Seeds (LCS). 请 直接联系LCS for seed availability and sub-licensing.

» Certificate issued by the U.S. 农业部

UI黄金 | PVP申请提交

UI黄金, 一种坚硬的白色春小麦, was developed by University of Idaho’s Aberdeen 小麦 Breeding program. 它的高产量和优异的面包烘焙品质使这个品种有别于其他硬白春小麦品种.

UI黄金 is adapted for irrigated, high rainfall and dryland areas in southern Idaho, 适于灌溉生产,茎秆结实,稳定性好,中等高度(36英寸)。. 具有连续达到或超过高产硬小麦产量的高产潜力. The grain protein content of UI黄金 averages 12.5-13%. 试验重量平均68.25磅./ac in both irrigated and dryland environments. UI黄金在旱地和雨养环境中保持了其产量潜力和烘焙品质.

UI黄金携带高温成虫抗这些条纹锈病:PSTv-14, PSTv-37 and PTSv-40 based on greenhouse tests. 在野外条件下, UI黄金 scored resistant to moderately resistant to Strip Rust, but does not carry resistance or tolerance to Fusarium Head Blight.


UI黄金 is available for non-exclusive licensing.

UICF-Grace | PVP certificate number 201000086

UICF-Grace是一种Clearfield硬白冬小麦,具有良好的面包烘焙品质, resistance to stripe rust and dwarf bunt and good yield potential. The most similar variety of UICF-Grace is Golden Spike.

UICF Grace 小麦

UICF-Grace is available for non-exclusive licensing. 联系

» Certificate issued by the U.S. 农业部

UI的石头 | PVP certificate number 201300342

UI的石头 is a 软 white spring wheat cultivar. It possesses resistance to Fusarium head blight, 随着玉米种植面积的增加,这种疾病在太平洋西北地区也在增加. 对赤霉病的抗性是从一个共同的抗性来源获得的, FHB1加上一个额外的基因. UI的石头还具有理想的最终使用质量和中等的抗条纹锈性. 在整个地区的育种试验中,它与其他品种具有竞争力.


UI的石头 is exclusively licensed to Limagrain Cereal Seeds (LCS). 请 直接联系LCS for seed availability and sub-licensing.

» Certificate issued by the U.S. 农业部

UI饼干 | PVP certificate number 20200098

UI曲奇是一种籽粒产量高、终端品质优良的白色软质春小麦品种. 对赤霉病有较强的抗病性,对条锈病和茎锈病有较好的田间抗病性. 在2015年至2018年的四个生长季节,爱达荷州东南部的13个灌溉大田试验对UI饼干进行了评估. The average yield was 108 Bu/A. 在同一时期,在旱地种植的UI饼干的平均产量为37.4部/.


UI饼干 is exclusively licensed to the Idaho 小麦 Commission (IWC). 请 contact Casey Chumrau at IWC for seed availability and sub-licensing.

» Certificate issued by the U.S. 农业部

UICF-Brundage | PVP certificate number 201100031

UICF-Brundage是一种Clearfield软白色冬小麦,用于太平洋西北部(爱达荷州)的灌溉和雨养地区, 华盛顿州和俄勒冈州), 最像布伦戴奇96. 在身高方面,UICF-Brundage比Brundage略高,比Brundage 96略短.

UICF-Brundage is available for non-exclusive licensing. 联系

» Certificate issued by the U.S. 农业部


UI城堡 | PVP certificate number 201600014


UI城堡 Cl+ is a 2-gene IMI herbicide tolerant 软 white winter wheat. UI城堡 CL+ has shown the best dryland performance. It is characterized by high test weight, 瑞成熟, a medium-tall plant height and good resistance to stripe rust.

UI城堡 CL+ is exclusively licensed to Limagrain Cereal Seeds (LCS). 请 直接联系LCS for seed availability and sub-licensing.

» Certificate issued by the U.S. 农业部

UICF-Lambert | PVP certificate number 201100008

UICF-Lambert是一种Clearfield软白色冬小麦,用于太平洋西北地区(爱达荷州)的雨养地区, 华盛顿州和俄勒冈州),最像柔软的白色冬小麦兰伯特.

UICF-Lambert is available for non-exclusive licensing. 联系

» Certificate issued by the U.S. 农业部


UI的魔法 | PVP certificate number 201600300


UI的魔法 Cl+ is a 2-gene IMI herbicide tolerant 软 white winter wheat. UI的魔法 CL+的高端产量潜力继续在太平洋西北地区创造对该品种种子的年复一年不断增长的需求. It has excellent test weight grain and a shorter overall plant height.

UI的魔法 CL+ is exclusively licensed to Limagrain Cereal Seeds (LCS). 请 直接联系LCS for seed availability and sub-licensing.

» Certificate issued by the U.S. 农业部


UI帕卢斯 | PVP certificate number 201600306


UI帕卢斯 Cl+是一种耐2基因IMI除草剂的软白冬小麦. It has good winter hardiness and excellence tolerance to Ceph stripe. Like, Brundage 96, its awnless and has mid-season maturity. 这将是一个很好的选择,如果你想再茬或两年轮作地面. Like any awnless wheat, it can be a little tougher to thrash.

UI帕卢斯 CL+ is exclusively licensed to Limagrain Cereal Seeds (LCS). 请 直接联系LCS for seed availability and sub-licensing.

» Certificate issued by the U.S. 农业部


UI麻雀 | PVP certificate number 201700189


麻雀是一种柔软的白色冬小麦,有结实的稻草,棕色的谷壳和长长的芒. It has excellent resistance to dwarf bunt, 对所有试验优势种的全阶段抗性. sp. 除了PSTv‐40, 中等到高水平的高温成虫抗条锈病, and high level resistance to snow mold. 对于不能使用杀菌剂或种子处理的有机生产者来说,UI麻雀是一个很好的选择. 在灌溉或高降雨量的生产环境中,结实的秸秆减少倒伏.

UI麻雀 is available for non-exclusive licensing. 联系

» Certificate issued by the U.S. 农业部


VI Presto CL+ | PVP certificate number 202100361

VI Presto CL+ 小麦

VI Presto CL+ is a common 软 white winter wheat (小麦.) with 2 genes for tolerance to Imidazolinone (Beyond®) herbicide. VI Presto CL+’s kernels are white, 柔软的卵形, 圆润的脸颊, and the brush length is medium. It is adapted to lower rainfall areas of SE Washington and Oregon, including drier areas of the Palouse. VI Presto CL+ has shown higher yield potential, 更高的试验重量, and improved stripe rust resistance as compared with UI的魔法 CL+. It has taller plant height and is photoperiod insensitive, suggesting it is better for later, 旱地种植. 与马德森品种一样,它对头孢条有MS/MR反应. 最终使用质量就像UI的魔法 CL+在破粉率和饼干直径方面.

VI Presto CL+ is exclusively licensed to Limagrain Cereal Seeds (LCS). 请 直接联系LCS for seed availability and sub-licensing.

» Certificate issued by the U.S. 农业部


VI冲击| PVP certificate number 202100363

VI冲击 柔软的白色冬天 小麦

VI冲击 is common 软 white winter wheat (小麦.). VI冲击的果仁白色,柔软,呈卵形,面颊圆润,毛刷长度中等. 它在爱达荷州南部的灌溉产区和爱达荷州北部的旱地产区表现良好. VI冲击 has high yield potential, consistently good test weight, excellent stripe rust resistance and excellent end-use quality.

VI冲击 exclusively licensed to Limagrain Cereal Seeds (LCS). 请 直接联系LCS for seed availability and sub-licensing.

» Certificate issued by the U.S. 农业部


VI巫毒CL+ | PVP certificate number 202100362

VI巫毒CL+ 柔软的白色冬天 小麦

VI巫毒CL+ is a common 软 white winter wheat (小麦.) with 2 genes for tolerance to Imidazolinone (Beyond®) herbicide. VI巫毒CL+’s kernels are white, 软, 和椭圆, 圆润的脸颊, and the brush length is medium. 它最适合中高降雨条件和LCS Artdeco表现良好的地区. 在旱地条件下,产量高于UI的魔法 CL+,但试验重量略低于UI的魔法 CL+. 抽穗期晚1 ~ 2天,比魔CL+短1 ~ 2厘米,抗条锈病能力强. It is susceptible to cephalosporium stripe, like the variety Stephens. VI巫毒CL+ has superior end-use quality as compared with UI的魔法 CL+, in terms of break flour yield and cookie diameter.

VI巫毒CL+ is exclusively licensed to Limagrain Cereal Seeds (LCS). 请 直接联系LCS for seed availability and sub-licensing.

» Certificate issued by the U.S. 农业部


UI-WSU霍夫曼 | PVP certificate number 201500295


uu - wsu霍夫曼是一种软白冬小麦,适合太平洋西北地区(爱达荷州)的中高降雨旱地环境, 华盛顿州和俄勒冈州). 它的命名是为了纪念365滚球官网的校友布拉德利霍夫曼,他在2013年6月突然去世,年仅22岁. 从经认证的种子销售中收取的版税将用于奖学金,以帮助其他学生在该大学获得农业学位.

UI-WSU霍夫曼 is available for non-exclusive licensing. 联系

» Certificate issued by the U.S. 农业部


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