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Office of the Registrar

Physical Address:
Bruce M. Pitman Center
Room 119

Mailing Address:
875 Perimeter Dr MS 4260
Moscow, ID 83844-4260
Phone: 208-885-6731
Fax: 208-885-9061

Opportunities for Credit

攻读学位的学生有机会通过考试获得学位课程的学分, vertically related classes, and experiential learning.

Challenge by Exam

寻求学位的本科生和研究生可以在导师的许可下挑战课程, department chair, and their academic dean.  A challenge consists of taking an exam, designed by the instructor, 展示对该主题的精通程度. 讲座和实验课都有挑战性.  In order to earn credit, 本科生必须在考试中获得C或更高的成绩,研究生必须在考试中获得B或更高的成绩. 挑战赛的申请只适用于一个特定的学期,并且必须 在该学期或该学期规定的截止日期内完成 becomes null and void.

How to Challenge a Class:

  1. Student completes the Challenge Application 并获得导师、系主任和教务长的签名.
  2. 学生在收银员窗口或通过208-885-7447联系学生账户支付35美元的申请费,并将填写好的挑战申请提交给注册主任.
  3. 注册主任确认学分资格,并通知教员进行考试. 注意:学生不能在注册主任通知资格之前完成考试.
  4. 学生和老师安排考试. 注意:考试不能在学期的最后两周进行.
  5. Instructor reports exam grade to Registrar.
  6. Registrar confirms sufficient grade and records class on student's transcript with a grade of Pass; GPA not affected.
  7. Student's account charged $75 per course fee.


Vertical Credit

365滚球官网完成更高的垂直相关课程,成绩达到C或更高的学位申请者, 是否可以在毕业前的任何时间申请较低垂直相关课程的学分. 垂直积分不能以转移积分为基础. 指定为垂直相关的课程出现在目录课程描述中.

How to Apply for Vertical Credit:

  1. Student completes the Vertical Credit Application.
  2. 学生在收银台窗口支付35美元的申请费,或致电208-885-7447联系学生账户,并将填写好的垂直信用申请提交给注册主任.
  3. Registrar confirms eligibility for credit and records class(es) on student's transcript with a grade of Pass; GPA not affected.
  4. Student's account charged $75 per course fee.

学生可以在毕业前入学期间的任何时间申请垂直学分. 垂直积分不能以转移积分为基础.

Experiential Learning Credit

经有关院系代表组成的特别委员会批准, 本科生可以在特定的本科课程中获得学分,以表彰从工作经验中获得的大学水平的知识或能力, community and volunteer extension courses, 参加由协会主办的非正式课程和在职培训, business, government, and industry. 申请此类学分必须经学生所在院系行政人员和教务长批准, 并且必须有这样的证据来支持,为评估学生的成就提供一个健全的基础. 根据本规定授予的学分被分配为P级. 在本科阶段,学分将根据该学科的学习成果来授予, course, or programs offered by the University.

How to Petition for Experiential Credit:

  1. Student complete the Experiential Learning Credit Application 并获得导师和教务长的签名.
  2. 学生在收银台窗口支付35美元的申请费,或致电208-885-7447联系学生账户.
  3. 学生将申请和支持文件/作品集提交给每个要求学分的学术部门,并在部门有足够的时间审查请求后安排时间检索申请和文件. The department chair's signature indicates support of a petition, but does not automatically grant approval.
  4. 所有部门都在申请表上签字之后, 学生将申请表和证明文件交回注册主任.
  5. 书记官长将审查请愿书和证明文件, 学生将被通知决定.
  6. 在成绩单上记录学分后,学生账户每门课程收费75美元.

体验式学习学分对学位要求的适用性将由获得学位的部门或部门决定.. Experiential learning credit is considered non-resident credit; students are limited to 30 non-resident credits toward a baccalaureate degree.

Office of the Registrar

Physical Address:
Bruce M. Pitman Center
Room 119

Mailing Address:
875 Perimeter Dr MS 4260
Moscow, ID 83844-4260
Phone: 208-885-6731
Fax: 208-885-9061