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1460 - University-Wide 政策 发展 Statement and Process


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最后更新: 2022年7月1日

A. 目的. 本政策包含适用于采用新的或修订的大学政策和程序的过程. 大学希望制定和修订单位层面的政策将遵循类似的审查程序进行通知和协调, as appropriate in each case.

B. 范围. This policy applies to all employees and 学生 of the University of Idaho.

C. 定义.

C-1. 小的修改. 对现有政策的任何更改,仅限于使该政策与控制法律权威保持一致, including Board policy, 或者是不改变意图的文书或语法上的改变或更正, 范围, application or meaning of the policy.

C-2. 政策. 包含一般目标和命令或约束行动的管理原则. 所有拟议的政策都应包括执行所需的一般程序.

C-3. 政策协调员. 由行政部门指定负责协调发展的个人, 审查, and approval of all policies. The policy coordinator works closely with the office of 老师的秘书.

C-4. 政策的发起者. A person or group of persons proposing a new or amended policy.

C-5. 政策的主人. 负责政策及其相关程序的操作管理的人. 根据标的物的范围,保单可能有多个所有者. The policy owner is identified by the appropriate senior leader.

C-6. 过程. Specific actions to be taken to implement established policies.

C-7. University-wide policy. A policy that has application across the institution.

D. Hierarchy of authority. All university policies fall within a hierarchy of laws, statutes and regulations. 大学的政策必须遵守上级管理机构制定的法律法规,并按以下等级排序:

1. Federal laws and regulations

2. State laws and regulations

3. Board of Regents/State Board of Education policies and procedures

4. University-wide policies and procedures

5. College policies and procedures (including centers/institutes)

6. Unit policies and procedures

E. 政策

E-1. 在一般情况下. 大学的政策在实施前应得到适当的审查和批准, be effectively communicated and easily accessible, and comply with applicable legal standards. 所有员工, 学生, 参观大学地点的访客应遵守大学的政策.

E-2. 标准. 大学政策必须1)推进大学的使命,或2)必须符合更高的管理权威, and meet one or more of the following criteria:

1. Reduce institutional risk

2. Promote operational efficiency

3. Have a significant impact on the University

F. 过程 for creation or change of university-wide policy

F-1. 发展

a. Initial development. Anyone at the University of Idaho can originate a new or amended policy. 政策发起人在与政策协调员和负责拟议政策主题的单位管理员协商后起草政策提案. This unit administrator becomes the policy owner. 政策必须遵守大学政策网站上公布的格式和风格指南.

b. 审查和评论. 政策协调员应将所有拟议的新政策和重大修订的政策提交给与政策发起人或所有者协商后确定的适当审查机构, 老师的秘书, 法律顾问, and others as appropriate. 政策协调员应确保就与共享治理有关的政策咨询教职员参议院和教职员委员会的领导. 政策协调员应提供拟议政策的一般通知,并为对政策感兴趣的人提供评论的机会.

F-2. Institutional approval process

a. 政策 within the purview of faculty governance.

i. If the policy is within the purview of faculty governance, the policy coordinator shall submit it to the 教师参议院 for approval. 学院参议院批准的所有政策应在下次大学教师会议上提交给大学教师批准. Following the university faculty meeting, the policy coordinator shall forward all approved policies to the president.

ii. 校长应在学院采取行动后60天内批准或不批准该政策,并将决定书面通知学院秘书. 任何在此期限内未获主席批准的事项将被视为未获批准.

3. 一旦校长对大学教职员会议上通过的任何事项采取最终行动, the 老师的秘书 shall notify the faculty of the action within two weeks.

b. 政策 not within the purview of faculty governance. If the policy is not within the purview of faculty governance, 由政策协调人报校长批准或不批准.

F-3. 政策 requiring board approval. 如有必要,校长办公室将批准的政策提交校董会/州教育委员会批准.

F-4. 次要的修改. 次要的修改 are exempted from the 审查 process set forth in F-1 through F-3. 政策协调员批准所有微小的修改,并将其发布在大学政策网站上.

F-5. Notice and publication. 教务秘书应在每年秋季提交给即将上任的参议院的《365滚球官网》和《365滚球官网》中公布已批准的政策和除允许的文书或语法更改以外的小修改通知. 政策协调员应在政策实施日期之前在政策网站上公布所有政策变更.

G. 临时政策. 如果没有足够的时间完成标准的审查和批准程序,总统可以批准一项临时政策,以解决法律要求或重大的制度风险. 在向总统提出的请求中,必须包括在合理可行的情况下尽快完成对临时政策的标准审查和批准的时间表. If approved, the policy will go into effect immediately. 策略所有者必须在批准的过渡期间完成标准策略审查和批准流程.

H. 政策 implementation. All new and amended policies go into effect on July 1 or January 1, whichever arrives first after final approval, unless otherwise specified.

I. Comprehensive 审查 cycle. 保单持有人应与保单协调人协商后,定期完成对每项保单的全面审查.


2022年7月修订. 关于总统在政策批准中的作用的信息从FSH 1420转移到F部分. New provision for interim policies created in Section G. 引入保单所有者的角色以及定期安排的保单审查的需求. Extensive revisions for clarity throughout.

2019年7月修订. 政策协调员的职位从学院秘书中移除,作为一项职责.

Amended December 2013. 编辑修改.

2011年7月修订. Text from the removal of APM 35.31 was included in A; in addition, several processes were clarified and updated throughout the policy.

2009年7月修订. 编辑修改.

2007年7月修订. Revised to provide additional definitions to assist in policy creation/amendment, and editorial changes.

2006年7月修订. 编辑修改.

Adopted January/Fall 2005. To promote consistency in the development, 修改, and presentation of university-wide policies, section 1460 was adopted.


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875 Perimeter Drive MS 4264
莫斯科, ID 83844-4264

Phone: 208-885-6111

